Greek Princess 245

Greek Princess 245
Channel Crossing from Guernsey 6th August 2016

Tuesday, 5 June 2012

Jubilee Weekend 3rd June 2012

GP tied up safely in Southsea after a horrendous journey
in rough sea's.
Jude with his new boating outfit

Greek Princess back in Southsea Marina 

Jude & Zena at Langstone looking for shells

With the weather very windy we decided to head to Hayling Island the wind was predicted at maximum F4/5 unfoutunatley the wind got worse Force 7 and we were hitting a 12k tide, so it was very rough with both Jude and Baby Zena onboard we headed in to Langstone harbour to shelter in Southsea Marina, we stopped Sunday and headed back mid afternoon  Monday when there was a gap in the weather and the wind dropped, servere contrast from last weekend....thats boating for you.

Sunny Sunday on May 27th at Oyster Quay

Weather has been glorious for a week, so we decided to head off to the boat for a day at Oyster Quay with the Grandchildren. We decided to Inflate the tender and had a few hours running round the Marina. With temperatures in the mid 20's we took the canopies back to sun ourselves..