Greek Princess 245

Greek Princess 245
Channel Crossing from Guernsey 6th August 2016

Tuesday, 11 June 2013

Bembridge IOW Weekend 7th-9th June

The fabulous weather just keeps on coming.....

Nelson & Seaward Boat Rallies

Saturday the weather was even hotter

Zee & I went for an 8 mile walk!

Bembridge Lobster Hut...GP is in the distance

Windmill outside bembridge
Zena with fluffy top 

Zena taking a break on our hike, having lost fluffy top

My new beach house......its like something from the movies

RNLI Station Bembridge
RNLI Station

Bembridge Lifeboat

Impressive Lifeboat

Still standing only 2 miles togo

Zee chilling on our return

Zena & I took advantage of the great weather we've been having with a long weekend to Bembridge on the IOW, its only 8 NM from Langstone so we thought we would nip over and chill out.

On our return the one thing you dread at sea a technical problem, the boat would not get on plane, so we had to limp across at 7 knots in a lumpy sea F5/wind over tide...not pleasant!

Turns out the hub in the prop had gone faulty, after a few days I had it repaired and were all ready to go again, only problem is its now raining, thought it was to good to last.

Monday, 3 June 2013

Our New Home in Langstone Harbour 31st May 2013

We finally got onto our new "permanent berth A5" at The ECA Pontoons in Langstone Harbour, and we were greeted with a distinct improvement in the weather on the day....its almost summer. Its so much more rural and unspoilt than Port Solent, and no more long trawls done Portsmouth Harbour...we are out in open water in 5 minutes from here.

New Home a lot more tranquil than Port Solent
Berth A5 Our New Home for Greek Princess
In to our new mooring, bags of space

Sunset at Langstone....glorious darling!

What a start to our new home