Greek Princess 245

Greek Princess 245
Channel Crossing from Guernsey 6th August 2016

Thursday, 29 March 2018

Return to Haslar - 29th March 2018

Greek Princess returned to Haslar Marina today, weather conditions were dreadful F5 gusting 6, but got in safely and moored fine. Glad to be back on the water after a month a shore with new breathers fitted and new 245 logos now on.

New breather fitiings on

New 245 Decals both sides

Wet return home

Just before reluanch

On the launch pad

Tuesday, 27 March 2018

Finishing Touches - 26th March 2018

Finishing Touches, replacing the prop and anti fouled the trim tab cylinders, just the breather pipes to go back on.

Boat Gleaming

The stern all done

Trim Cylinders Done

Leg all back together

Wednesday, 21 March 2018

Polished and Anti Fouled - 21st March 2018

Lovely Sunny day so managed to get the boat polished and anti fouled, and the yard changed the breathers for me, so nearly there.

Virtually done, just need to get the prop back on

Tuesday, 20 March 2018

Finally Getting Somewhere - 20th March 2018

The temperatures finally increased today to 9 degrees, (bringing the much needed thaw), so I managed to complete the leg and also cut back the blue and white on the hull ready for polishing.

Leg all back together anti fouled and anodes on

Hull cut back Port Side

Hull cut back Starboard Side

Monday, 19 March 2018

Snow Stops Play - 19th March 2018

We had hoped to get the polishing done today until the snow stopped play, with the clocks going back this coming weekend the weather is just unbelievable for late March.

Ice dripping from the bow and temperatures at 0 degrees 

Snow covering the boat

Thick snow on the stern

Snow every where in late March

Saturday, 17 March 2018

Prepped the Stern in the Snow - 17th March 2018

The temperature took a dip and it started to snow again whilst I was rubbing down the trim tabs and leg ready for antifoul.

The Stern all rubbed down and prepped for anti foul

Leg rubbed down

I had to stop as the snow came down

Starboard Trim

Port Trim

Saturday, 10 March 2018

The Start of Annual Maintenance - 10th March 2018

I took all the annual maintenance equipment to the boat today, and covered the deck with sheets and made a start with Y10 'ing the waterline. Then I stripped off the old anodes and cleaned the hull barrier between leg and anti foul.

Stripped off the anodes

Cleaned the anti foul barrier
Another year at a boatyard, always comes round so quick

Friday, 9 March 2018

Annual Lift at Deacons Marina - 6th March 2018

We took Greek Princess to Deacons Marina on the Hamble for her annual lift, made pleasant change not to have to do the work myself.

Greek Princess jetted off ready for new antifoul