Greek Princess 245

Greek Princess 245
Channel Crossing from Guernsey 6th August 2016

Monday 24 November 2014

Annual Maintenance Work Start's - 24th November 2014

New Insta Trim Cover installed
Sealed small water leak on heat exchanger

Cleaned off three months worth of algae off the bow
Due to work over the past three months (I've been really busy) we haven't been out on the boat.  The rainy season set in here in early October (the 3rd), and has been more or less persistent ever since. The bow was furry with a build up of green algae (as it faces North) so had to get out the heavy duty cleaner to bring her back to white. Replacement Insta-Trim cover arrived from the State's so fitted it and finally sealed leaking heat ex changer tube.  Now just a couple of other internal jobs left prior to the annual lift, which is booked for Monday December 8th...(weather permitting).